tsh CLI reference
is a CLI client used by Teleport users. It allows users to interact with
current and past sessions on the cluster, copy files to and from nodes, and list
information about the cluster.
tsh environment variables
Environment variables configure your tsh client and can help you avoid using flags repetitively.
Environment Variable | Description | Example Value |
TELEPORT_AUTH | Any defined authentication connector, including passwordless and local (i.e., no authentication connector) | okta |
TELEPORT_MFA_MODE | Preferred mode for MFA and Passwordless assertions | otp |
TELEPORT_CLUSTER | Name of a Teleport root or leaf cluster | cluster.example.com |
TELEPORT_LOGIN | Login name to be used by default on the remote host | root |
TELEPORT_LOGIN_BIND_ADDR | Address in the form of host:port to bind to for login command webhook | host:port |
TELEPORT_LOGIN_BROWSER | Set to none to stop the system default browser from opening for SSO logins. If the value is not none , tsh will open the system default browser. | none |
TELEPORT_PROXY | Address of the Teleport proxy server | cluster.example.com:3080 |
TELEPORT_HOME | Home location for tsh configuration and data | /directory |
TELEPORT_USER | A Teleport user name | alice |
TELEPORT_ADD_KEYS_TO_AGENT | Specifies if the user certificate should be stored on the running SSH agent | yes, no, auto, only |
TELEPORT_USE_LOCAL_SSH_AGENT | Disable or enable local SSH agent integration | true, false |
TELEPORT_GLOBAL_TSH_CONFIG | Override location of global tsh config file from default /etc/tsh.yaml | /opt/teleport/tsh.yaml |
TELEPORT_HEADLESS | Use headless authentication | true, false, 1, 0 |
TELEPORT_IDENTITY_FILE | File path to identity file | /opt/identity |
tsh global flags
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-l, --login | none | an identity name | The login identity that the Teleport user will use |
--proxy | none | host:https_port[,ssh_proxy_port] | Teleport Proxy Service address |
--user | $USER | none | The Teleport username |
--ttl | 720 (12 hours) | integer | Number of minutes a certificate issued for the tsh user will be valid for |
-i, --identity | none | string filepath | Identity file |
--cert-format | standard | standard or oldssh | SSH certificate format. oldssh supports older versions of OpenSSH servers that do not allow for custom metadata, which is how Teleport encodes a user's roles in their SSH certificate. |
--insecure | none | none | Do not verify the server's certificate and host name. Use only in test environments. |
--auth | local | Any defined authentication connector, including passwordless and local (i.e., no authentication connector) | Specify the type of authentication connector to use. |
--mfa-mode | auto | auto , cross-platform , platform or otp | Preferred mode for MFA and Passwordless assertions. |
--skip-version-check | none | none | Skip version checking between server and client. |
-d, --debug | none | none | Verbose logging to stdout |
-J, --jumphost | none | A jump host | SSH jumphost |
--headless | none | none | Use Headless WebAuthn for authentication |
--mlock | auto | auto , off , best_effort , strict | Lock process memory to protect client secrets stored in memory from being swapped to disk. |
tsh apps ls
List all available applications:
tsh apps ls
tsh clusters
tsh clusters [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-q, --quiet | none | none | no headers in output |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login
, --proxy
, --user
, --ttl
, --identity
, --cert-format
, --insecure
, --auth
, --skip-version-check
, --debug
, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh clustersCluster Name Status
------------ ------
staging online
production offline
tsh clusters --quietstaging online
production offline
tsh config
Print OpenSSH configuration details to allow using an SSH client with credentials managed by Teleport to connect to hosts in your cluster.
tsh config
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-l, --login | none | Linux username | Default Linux username to use. Will translate to SSH config's User option. |
-p , --port | 3022 | port | Default SSH port to use. Will translate to SSH config's Port option. |
Print OpenSSH config file to console
tsh configAppend Teleport configuration to ssh config
tsh config >> ~/.ssh/config
tsh device enroll
Enroll the current device as a trusted device.
Requires a device enrollment token created via tctl devices enroll
tsh device enroll --token=TOKEN
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--token | none | String | Device enrollment token |
tsh device enroll --token=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-this-is-an-exampleDevice "C00AA0AAAA0A"/macOS enrolled
tsh gcloud
Proxy gcloud
CLI commands through the Teleport Application Service. gcloud
is a tool for interacting with Google Cloud. A user must already be
authenticated to a Google Cloud application in Teleport before they can execute
tsh gcloud
tsh gcloud [--app] [<command>]
: A gcloud
command to run, including arguments and flags.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--app | Currently logged in Google Cloud application | The name of a Google Cloud application as listed via tsh apps ls . | The Google Cloud application to run the command against, if logged in to multiple Google Cloud applications. |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh gcloud compute instances list
tsh gsutil
Proxy gsutil
CLI commands through the Teleport Application Service. gsutil
is a tool for interacting with Google Cloud Storage. A user must already be
authenticated to a Google Cloud application in Teleport before they can execute
tsh gsutil
tsh gsutil [--app] [<command>]
: A gsutil
command to run, including arguments and flags.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--app | Currently logged in Google Cloud application | The name of a Google Cloud application as listed via tsh apps ls . | The Google Cloud application to run the command against, if logged in to multiple Google Cloud applications. |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh gsutil ls
tsh help
Prints help:
tsh help
tsh join
Joins an active session:
tsh join [<flags>] <session-id>
The UUID of an active Teleport Session obtained byteleport status
within the session.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--cluster | none | a cluster_name | Specify the cluster to connect |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
join session using teleport user joe as ec2-user
tsh --user=joe --login=ec2-user join <session-id>
tsh kube login
Log into a Kubernetes cluster. Discover connected clusters by using tsh kube ls
tsh kube login <kube-cluster>
tsh kube login to k8s cluster (gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo)
tsh kube login gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demoLogged into kubernetes cluster "gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo". Try 'kubectl version' to test the connection.
On login, kubeconfig is pointed at the first cluster (alphabetically)
kubectl config current-contextaws-gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo
But all clusters are populated as contexts
* aws-gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo aws aws-gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo
aws-microk8s aws aws-microk8s
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--all | false | Boolean | Whether to generate a kubeconfig for every Kubernetes cluster the current Teleport user has access to. If this is false, tsh will only generate a kubeconfig for the cluster specified in the tsh kube login command. |
--as | none | string | The Kubernetes user that the current Teleport user will log in as when they authenticate to the specified Kubernetes cluster. This uses Kubernetes impersonation, so the Teleport user's Kubernetes user must have permissions to impersonate the target user. |
--as-groups | none | string | A Kubernetes group that the current Teleport user will log in as when they authenticate to the specified Kubernetes cluster. This uses Kubernetes impersonation, so the Teleport user's Kubernetes user must have permissions to impersonate the target group. You can include this flag multiple times to enable impersonation of multiple Kubernetes groups. |
--cluster | none | string | Name of the Teleport cluster to log into in order to connect to the given Kubernetes cluster. |
-n , --kube-namespace | none | string | The name of the Kubernetes namespace to configure as the default within the cluster the user is logging into. |
tsh kube ls
List Kubernetes clusters:
tsh kube ls
tsh kube lsKube Cluster Name Selected
------------------------------------- --------
gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo *
tsh login
Logs in to the cluster. When tsh
logs in, the auto-expiring key is stored in
and is valid for 12 hours by default unless you specify another
interval via --ttl
flag (capped by the server-side configuration).
tsh login [<flags>] [<cluster>]
- the name of the cluster, see Trusted Cluster for more information.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--bind-addr | none | host:port | Address in the form of host:port to bind to for login command webhook |
--callback | none | host:port | Override the base URL (host:port) of the link shown when opening a browser for cluster logins. Must be used with --bind-addr. |
-o, --out | none | filepath | Identity output filepath |
--format | file | file , openssh or kubernetes | Identity format: file, openssh (for OpenSSH compatibility) or kubernetes (for kubeconfig) |
--browser | none | none | Set to 'none' to suppress opening system default browser for tsh login commands |
--request-roles | none | Request one or more extra roles | |
--request-reason | none | Reason for requesting additional roles | |
--request-nowait | none | Finish without waiting for request resolution | |
--request-id | none | Login with the roles requested in the given request | |
--no-use-local-ssh-agent | Do not load generated SSH certificates into the local ssh-agent (specified via $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ). Useful when using gpg-agent or Yubikeys. You can also set the TELEPORT_USE_LOCAL_SSH_AGENT environment variable to false (default true ) |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
The proxy endpoint can take a https and ssh port in this format host:https_port[,ssh_proxy_port]
Try both ports 443 and 3080 for https
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com loginUse ports 8080 and 8023 for https and SSH proxy:
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com:8080,8023 loginUse port 8080 and 3023 (default) for SSH proxy:
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com:8080 loginUse port 23 as custom SSH port, keep HTTPS proxy port as default
tsh --proxy=work.example.com:,23 loginLogin and select cluster "two":
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com login twoSelect cluster "two" using existing credentials and proxy:
tsh login twoLogin to the cluster with a very short-lived certificate
tsh --ttl=1 loginLogin using the local Teleport 'admin' user:
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com --auth=local --user=admin loginLogin using GitHub as an SSO provider, assuming the GitHub connector is called "github"
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com --auth=github loginSuppress the opening of the system default browser for external provider logins
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com --browser=noneLogin to cluster and output a local kubeconfig
tsh login --proxy=proxy.example.com --format=kubernetes -o kubeconfigRequest access to a cluster.
tsh login --proxy=proxy.example.com --request-reason="I need to run a debug script on production"
tsh logout
Deletes the client's cluster certificate:
tsh logout
tsh ls
List cluster nodes:
tsh ls [<flags>] [<label>]
Not seeing Nodes?
When Teleport's Auth Service receives a request to list Teleport Nodes (e.g., to
display Nodes in the Web UI or via tsh ls
), it only returns the Nodes that the
current user is authorized to view.
For each Node in the user's Teleport cluster, the Auth Service applies the following checks in order and, if one check fails, hides the Node from the user:
- None of the user's roles contain a
rule that matches the Node's labels. - At least one of the user's roles contains an
rule that matches the Node's labels.
If you are not seeing Nodes when expected, make sure that your user's roles
include the appropriate allow
and deny
rules as documented in the
Teleport Access Controls Reference.
- comma-separated list ofkey=value
labels to filter nodes by, e.g.,env=dev,host=foo
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-v, --verbose | none | none | also print Node ID |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login
, --proxy
, --user
, --ttl
, --identity
, --cert-format
, --insecure
, --auth
, --skip-version-check
, --debug
, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh lsNode Name Address Labels
--------- ------------------ ------
grav-00 os:linux
grav-01 os:linux
grav-02 os:osx
tsh ls -vNode Name Node ID Address Labels
--------- ------------------------------------ ------------------ ------
grav-00 52e3e46a-372f-494b-bdd9-a1d25b9d6dec os:linux
grav-01 73d86fc7-7c4b-42e3-9a5f-c46e177a29e8 os:linux
grav-02 24503590-e8ae-4a0a-ad7a-dd1865c04e30 os:osx
Only show nodes with os label set to 'osx':
tsh ls os=osxNode Name Address Labels
--------- ------------------ ------
grav-02 os:osx
tsh mfa add
Register a new Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device:
tsh mfa add
tsh mfa addChoose device type [TOTP, WEBAUTHN]: webauthn
Enter device name: desktop yubikey
Tap any *registered* security key
Tap your *new* security key
MFA device "desktop yubikey" added.
tsh mfa addChoose device type [TOTP, WEBAUTHN]: totp
Enter device name: android
Tap any *registered* security key
Open your TOTP app and create a new manual entry with these fields:
Name: awly@example.com:3080
Issuer: Teleport
Algorithm: SHA1
Number of digits: 6
Period: 30s
Once created, enter an OTP code generated by the app: 123456
MFA device "android" added.
tsh mfa ls
List all registered Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) devices:
tsh mfa ls
tsh mfa rm
Remove a registered Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) device. You can view your
registered devices using tsh mfa ls
tsh mfa rm <device-name>
tsh play
Plays back a prior session:
tsh play [<flags>] <id-or-file>
The UUID of a past Teleport session, or the path to a local recording file.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--cluster | none | a cluster_name | Specify the cluster to connect |
--format | pty | json , yaml , pty , text | Format for playback |
--speed | 1x | 0.5x , 1x , 2x , 4x , 8x | Playback speed |
--skip-idle-time | false | true, false` | Skip idle time during playback |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh --proxy proxy.example.com play <session-id>Playing back a session streamed from the server.
tsh play 1fe153d1-ce8b-4ef4-9908-6539457ba4adPlaying back a local session in JSON format using jq to filter on events
tsh play --format=json ~/play/0c0b81ed-91a9-4a2a-8d7c-7495891a6ca0.tar | jq '.eventPlaying back a session at 2x speed while also skipping idle time
tsh play --speed=2x --skip-idle-time 1fe153d1-ce8b-4ef4-9908-6539457ba4adDump an SSH session recording to standard out, without respecting timing data.
tsh play --format=text 1fe153d1-ce8b-4ef4-9908-6539457ba4ad
tsh proxy app
Starts a local TLS proxy for Application Service connections. You can use this proxy to connect to an application repeatedly after a single login to your Teleport cluster, which is especially useful for interacting with an application via a CLI.
tsh proxy app [<flags>] <app>
The name of the application to start the local proxy for. To see a list of available applications, runtsh apps ls
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-p, --port | none | port number | Specify the source port for the local proxy |
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
tsh proxy app <app>Proxy a connection to grafana on local port 10700
tsh proxy --port 10700 app grafana &Proxying connections to grafana on
tsh proxy aws
Start a local proxy for AWS access. The user must already be logged in to at least one AWS application via Teleport before the proxy can start.
tsh proxy aws [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--app | Currently logged in AWS app | string | Optional name of the AWS application (as shown in tsh apps ls ) to use if logged in to multiple |
-p , --port | none | port number | Specify the source port for the local proxy |
-e , --endpoint-url | HTTP Proxy | Endpoint URL | Run the local proxy to serve as an AWS endpoint URL. If not specified, the local proxy serves as an HTTPS proxy. |
-f , --format | unix | text , unix , command-prompt , or powershell | Optional format for printing environment variables for the AWS proxy |
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
Proxy a connection to AWS with the default settings
tsh apps login awsapptsh proxy awsSet env variables from output
aws s3 lsProxying connections to AWS on to app awsapp2
tsh apps logins awsapp2tsh proxy aws --port=10700 --app=awsapp2Set env variables from output
aws s3 ls
tsh proxy azure
Starts a local proxy server that provides secure access to an Azure managed service identity endpoint. This is useful for managing access to Azure from custom client applications. The local proxy forwards traffic to the Teleport Application Service, which uses an Azure managed identity to fetch an authentication token from Azure.
tsh proxy azure [<flags>]
The command will print the address of the local proxy server along with export
commands for environment variables required to connect:
Started Azure proxy on
To avoid port randomization, you can choose the listening port using the --port flag.
Use the following credentials and HTTPS proxy setting to connect to the proxy:
export AZURE_CONFIG_DIR=/Users/myuser/.tsh/azure/my.teleport.cluster/azure
export HTTP_PROXY=
export MSI_ENDPOINT=https://azure-msi.teleport.dev/123456789abcdef01234
export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/Users/myuser/.tsh/keys/teleport.example.com/myuser-app/teleport.example.com/azure-cli-localca.pem
tsh proxy azure
runs the local proxy in the foreground, so don't interrupt
the process or exit the terminal where you ran the command until you're ready
to close the local proxy.
Copy the export
commands and paste them into a second terminal.
To run the local proxy server, one of the user's roles must include the
field with one of the identities used by the
Application Service. To learn how to set up secure access to Azure via
Teleport, read Protect the Azure CLI with Teleport Application
This command does not accept any arguments.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--app | none | string | Name of the Teleport application representing Azure (i.e., based on tsh apps ls ). Use this flag if your Teleport user has access to multiple Azure applications. |
--port | none | port number | The port on localhost where the local proxy will listen for connections. |
--format | powershell if on Windows, unix otherwise | text , unix , command-prompt , or powershell | The format to use for listing environment variables for Azure client applications connecting to the local proxy. |
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
tsh proxy db
Start a local TLS proxy for database connections when using Teleport with TLS Routing enabled. Clients can connect to a Teleport-registered database through the local proxy.
tsh proxy db [<flags>] <db>
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--cluster | none | string | The name of the Teleport cluster to connect to. |
--db-name | see below | string | The database name to log in to. |
--db-user | see below | string | The database user to log in as. |
--port | none | string | Source port used by the local proxy. |
--tunnel | none | Boolean | Open an authenticated tunnel using a database's client certificate so clients don't need to authenticate. |
If --db-user
or --db-name
are required, then default settings
are chosen from either an active database certificate obtained via a prior use
of tsh db login
or from the user's allowed db_users
or db_names
The database user is always required. The database name is required for PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Oracle databases.
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
Proxy a DB connection to a named database
tsh proxy db <db>
Proxy a connection to mysql db on local port 10700:
tsh proxy db --port 10700 mysql-dbStarted DB proxy on
Use following credentials to connect to the mysql-db proxy:
Proxy a connection to mysql db with no credentials required:
tsh proxy db --tunnel mysql-dbStarted authenticated tunnel for the MySQL database "mysql-db" in cluster "teleport.example.com" on
Use the following command to connect to the database: $ mysql --port 49415 --host localhost --protocol TCP
tsh proxy gcloud
Start a local proxy for Google Cloud API access. The user must already be logged in to at least one Google Cloud application via Teleport before the proxy can start.
tsh proxy gcloud [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--app | Currently logged in Google Cloud app | string | Optional name of the Google Cloud application (as shown in tsh apps ls ) to use if logged in to multiple |
-p , --port | none | port number | Specify the source port for the local proxy |
-e , --endpoint-url | HTTP Proxy | Endpoint URL | Run the local proxy to serve as a Google Cloud endpoint URL. If not specified, the local proxy serves as an HTTPS proxy. |
-f , --format | unix | text , unix , command-prompt , or powershell | Optional format for printing environment variables for the Google Cloud proxy |
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
tsh apps login google-cloud-apptsh proxy gcloudSet env variables from output
gcloud compute instances listgsutil ls
tsh proxy ssh
Start a local TLS proxy for ssh
connections when using Teleport in TLS Routing mode.
This is typically used as part of the SSH client configuration to use ssh
as a client
through Teleport. See the OpenSSH Guide guide
on configuring OpenSSH servers and clients. The tsh config
output will include tsh proxy ssh
within a ProxyCommand
tsh proxy ssh [<flags>] <[user@]host>
Remote hostname and the login to use
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--cluster | none | Teleport Cluster | The name of the Teleport cluster to connect to. |
Global Flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags Section
Run the following command to generate an OpenSSH client configuration:
tsh config
This command produces the following configuration:
# Common flags for all example.com hosts
Host *.example.com example.com
UserKnownHostsFile "/Users/jeff/.tsh/known_hosts"
IdentityFile "/Users/jeff/.tsh/keys/enterprise.teleportdemo.com/jeff"
CertificateFile "/Users/jeff/.tsh/keys/example.com/jeff-ssh/example.com-cert.pub"
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com
# Flags for all example.com hosts except the proxy
Host *.example.com !example.com
Port 3022
ProxyCommand "/usr/local/bin/tsh" proxy ssh --cluster=example.com --proxy=example.com %r@%h:%p
This output should be placed into the default SSH Config for environment, ~/.ssh/config
for Mac/Linux or
in the Windows User home directory. You can use this as a standalone SSH config file too.
When you run an ssh
command against a host with a subdomain of your Proxy
Service's domain, this SSH configuration will use the ProxyCommand
to run tsh proxy ssh
ssh myuser@node1.example.com
tsh puttyconfig
Adds a PuTTY saved session to the Windows registry for the currently logged in Windows user.
$ tsh puttyconfig [--leaf <leaf-cluster-name>] [login@]hostname
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-l, --login | none | Linux username | Default Linux username to use. Will translate to SSH config's User option. |
-p , --port | 3022 | port | Default SSH port to use. Will translate to SSH config's Port option. |
--leaf | none | Leaf cluster name | Leaf cluster name to add to the saved session. |
Add a saved PuTTY session on 'node' for the user 'ec2-user'
tsh puttyconfig ec2-user@nodeAdd a saved PuTTY session for the Teleport-registered OpenSSH node 'openssh' for the user 'ubuntu'
tsh puttyconfig --port 22 ubuntu@opensshAdd a saved PuTTY session on leaf-node for the user 'ec2-user' on the leaf cluster 'example.teleport.sh'
tsh puttyconfig --leaf example.teleport.sh ec2-user@leaf-node
See full docs on tsh puttyconfig
tsh recordings ls
List recorded sessions.
tsh recordings ls [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--from-utc | 24 hours ago | date | Start of time range in which recordings are listed. Format 2006-01-02. Defaults to 24 hours ago. |
--to-utc | current | date | Start of time range in which recordings are listed. Format 2006-01-02. Defaults to 24 hours ago. |
--limit | 50 | number | Maximum number of recordings to show. |
--last | none | duration | Duration into the past from which session recordings should be listed. Format 5h30m40s |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost, --format
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
get the recorded sessions from the last 24 hours
tsh --proxy proxy.example.com recordings lsID Type Participants Hostname Timestamp------------------------------------ ---- ------------ -------- -------------------b0a04442-70dc-4be8-9308-7b7901d2d600 ssh jeff dev Nov 26 16:36:16 UTCc0a02222-70dc-4be8-9308-7b7901d2d600 kube alice Nov 26 20:36:16 UTCd0a04442-70dc-4be8-9308-7b7901d2d600 ssh navin test Nov 26 16:36:16 UTCThe session can be played with tsh play
tsh play c0a02222-70dc-4be8-9308-7b7901d2d60List recorded sessions that occurred between Nov 1, 2022 to Nov 3, 2022
tsh recordings ls --from-utc=2022-11-01 --to-utc=2022-11-3Retrieve recorded sessions in the last 6 hours
tsh recordings ls --last=6h0m0s
Recorded sessions are linked from the audit events to session recordings files in their storage backend. The following error can occur if a session recording file is not available or when employing multiple auth servers with directory storage backend for recorded sessions. When using a directory storage backend for audit logs and recorded sessions, only the Auth Service with that recorded session can retrieve it.
tsh play c8e1b2c5-322a-4095-89e3-391edfd2da9bERROR: Recording for session c8e1b2c5-322a-4095-89e3-391edfd2da9b not found.
Using a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) service that combines the audit logs will help consolidate the list of available recordings.
Downloaded recorded session are directly playable as a file.
tsh play c8e1b2c5-322a-4095-89e3-391edfd2da9b.tar
tsh request create
Create a new Access Request.
tsh request create [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--roles | none | Comma-separated strings | List of Teleport roles to request |
--resource | none | String (flag can be repeated to request multiple resources) | Resource ID to be requested |
--reason | none | String | Reason for making the request (optional) |
--reviewers | none | Comma-separated strings | Suggested reviewers for the request (optional) |
--nowait | false | true or false | Finish without waiting for request resolution |
--request-ttl | 1 hour | Relative duration like 5s , 2m , or 3h , | Defines how long the Access Request will be in a PENDING state before becoming invalid |
--session-ttl | Time left on current session | Relative duration like 5s , 2m , or 3h | Defines how long the elevated session will be valid for |
--max-duration | none | Relative duration like 5s , 2m , 3h , or 7d | Defines the maximum duration of the elevated session up to 7 days. The assigned role also must have max_duration option specified (optional) |
--assume-start-time | none | String | Sets time roles can be assumed by requestor (RFC3339) |
The --request-ttl
and --session-ttl
values can not be greater than the
- Maximum certificate lifetime.
- Time left on an existing session (certificate).
- Maximum session duration defined by the user's roles.
Use --max-duration
to request access for longer than the maximum certificate
tsh request drop
Drop one or more Access Requests from current identity
tsh request drop [<request-id>...]
- IDs of requests to "drop" from the current identity so that your certificate will lose elevated roles and/or resource restrictions. If no request ID is given, the default is to drop all Access Requests.
tsh request ls
List Access Requests
tsh request ls
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--format | text | text , json , or yaml | Format output |
--reviewable | false | true or false | Only show requests reviewable by current user |
--suggested | false | true or false | Only show requests that suggest current user as reviewer |
--my-requests | false | true or false | Only show requests created by current user |
tsh request review
Review an Access Request
tsh request review [<flags>] <request-id>
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--approve | false | true or false | Review proposes approval |
--deny | false | true or false | Review proposes denial |
--reason | none | String | Review reason message |
--assume-start-time | none | String | Sets time roles can be assumed by requestor (RFC3339) |
- ID of the target request
tsh request search
Search for resources to request access to
tsh request search [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--kind | none | node , kubernetes_cluster , db , app , windows_desktop | Resource kind to search for (required) |
--search | none | Comma-separated strings | List of comma-separated search keywords or phrases enclosed in single quotes |
--query | none | String | Query by predicate language enclosed in single quotes |
--labels | none | Comma-separated strings | List of comma-separated labels to filter by labels (e.g. key=value1,key2=value2 ) |
tsh request show
Show Access Request details
tsh request show <request-id>
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--format | text | text , json , or yaml | Format output |
- ID of the target request
tsh scp
Copies files from source to dest:
tsh scp [<flags>] <source>... <dest>
- filepath to copy<dest>
- target destination
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
--cluster | none | a cluster_name | Specify the cluster to connect |
-r, --recursive | none | none | Recursive copy of subdirectories |
-P, --port | none | port number | Port to connect to on the remote host |
-q, --quiet | none | none | Quiet mode |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login
, --proxy
, --user
, --ttl
, --identity
, --cert-format
, --insecure
, --auth
, --skip-version-check
, --debug
, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
tsh --proxy=proxy.example.com scp example.txt user@host:/destination/dir
tsh scp
will not work from the CLI if the user requires session moderation. You can transfer files in a moderated session by joining the SSH session from the Web UI and requesting the file transfer there. Both the session initiator and moderators must be present in the Web UI in order to approve the file transfer request.
tsh ssh
Run shell or execute a command on a remote SSH node:
tsh ssh [<flags>] <[user@]host> [<command>...]
<[user@]host> [<command>...]
The login identity to use on the remote host. If[user]
is not specified the user defaults to$USER
or can be set with--user
. If the flag--user
and positional argument[user]
are specified the arg[user]
takes precedence.host
of a cluster Node or a label specification likeenv=aws
to run on all matching hosts.command
The command to execute on a remote host.
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-p, --port | none | port | SSH port on a remote host |
-A, --forward-agent | none | none | Forward agent to target node like ssh -A |
-L, --forward | none | none | Forward localhost connections to remote server |
-D, --dynamic-forward | none | none | Forward localhost connections to remote server using SOCKS5 |
-R, --remote-forward | none | none | Forward remote connections to localhost |
-N, -no-remote-exec | none | none | Don't execute remote command, useful for port forwarding |
--local | none | Execute command on localhost after connecting to SSH node | |
-t, --tty | file | Allocate TTY | |
--cluster | none | Specify the cluster to connect | |
-o, --option | local | OpenSSH options in the format used in the configuration file | |
--enable-escape-sequences | Enable support for SSH escape sequences. Type ~? during an SSH session to list supported sequences. | ||
--no-use-local-ssh-agent | Do not load generated SSH certificates into the local ssh-agent (specified via $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ). Useful when using gpg-agent or Yubikeys. You can also set the TELEPORT_USE_LOCAL_SSH_AGENT environment variable to false (default true ) | ||
-X, --x11-untrusted | none | none | Requests untrusted (secure) X11 forwarding for this session. |
-Y, --x11-trusted | none | none | Requests trusted (insecure) X11 forwarding for this session. This can make your local machine vulnerable to attacks, use with caution. |
--x11-untrusted-timeout | 10m | duration | Sets a timeout for untrusted X11 forwarding, after which the client will reject any forwarding requests from the server. |
Global flags
These flags are available for all commands --login, --proxy, --user, --ttl, --identity, --cert-format, --insecure, --auth, --skip-version-check, --debug, --jumphost
Run tsh help <subcommand>
or see the Global Flags section.
Log in to node `grav-00` as OS User `root` with Teleport User `teleport`
tsh ssh --proxy proxy.example.com --user teleport -d root@grav-00`tsh ssh` takes the same arguments as OpenSSH client:
tsh ssh -o ForwardAgent=yes root@grav-00tsh ssh -o AddKeysToAgent=yes root@grav-00Run `hostname` on all nodes with the `env: aws` label
tsh ssh root@env=aws hostname
tsh status
Display the list of proxy servers and retrieved certificates:
tsh status
tsh status> Profile URL: https://proxy.example.com:3080
Logged in as: benarent
Cluster: aws
Roles: access, editor, auditor
Logins: benarent, root, ec2-user, ubunutu
Kubernetes: enabled
Kubernetes cluster: "gke_bens-demos_us-central1-c_gks-demo"
Kubernetes groups: system:masters
Valid until: 2020-11-21 01:50:23 -0800 PST [valid for 11h52m0s]
Extensions: permit-agent-forwarding, permit-port-forwarding, permit-pty
tsh version
Prints the version of your tsh
binary and the Teleport Proxy Service in the current tsh
tsh version [<flags>]
Name | Default Value(s) | Allowed Value(s) | Description |
-f, --format | text | text, json, yaml | Format for version output |
--client | none | none | Show the client version only (no server required). |
tsh versionTeleport v17.2.7 git: go1.23.6Proxy version: 17.2.7Proxy: teleport.example.com:443
Display in JSON format:
tsh version --format=json
"version": "17.2.7",
"gitref": "",
"runtime": "go1.23.6",
"proxyVersion": "17.2.7",
"proxyPublicAddress": "teleport.example.com:443"
Only display the tsh
binary version:
tsh version --clientTeleport v17.2.7 git: go1.23.6